Hey peeps! s'up? XD so i'm having a rave on a school trip to Baltimore. It's hot and there's loads of references to crabs XD
For people who live in normal temperature places, you know when you go into a shop and it's nice and warm then you go outside and you're like 'holy crap it's cold'? well, here it's the opposite. it's walk into a shop and go 'finally, coolness' then walk outside and your like 'why the hell is it so friggin hot?!!' So yeah. It's fun here. o.O I dunno, I'm staying with a family who I met the daughter of about 3 years ago, so it's awkward as hell 'cause i'm living with them 'til wednesday. And stealing the girls laptop o.o not really, she said i could borrow it.

Anywho, so the 'mom' of this family was really nice and bought me an awesome kick ass hoody, but she offered to get me the one that said 'crab city' on it. Needless to say, I politely declined .

Did I mention it's hot? 'Cause it is.

And they have no jaffa cakes here. WHERE IS THE NEED PEOPLE?!!!

I like pudding....

The journey here was awful by the way, I mean, we left Heathrow airport at 5pm and got here at 2pm (british time) I was tired as hell then my family were like 'let's go get some groceries' and I couldn't say no because to them it was only 9 in the afternoon. Or evening, whatever. But the supermarket was HUGE!!!! I mean, it's like bigger than Seto-Kaiba's ego! XD bigger than robin's shoes (you know who I mean)

Massive glomp to everyone who I like and are suffering in school. if I don't like you, YOU ARE ALLOWED GUNS HERE SO BACK OFF!! XD

See ya in 9 days people!!!!


P.S Peter, you're a fool. You know why.

P.P.S I love you Catherine and Rowena!!

June 19th, 2010 at 11:11pm