I Deserve Freedom.

My family should understand that I need to breathe on my own. They can't keep me locked up forever! I mean, really. You might think I'm over-exaggerating, but I'm not.

I can't even go see my friends anymore without my mom there as well. And when she's there, she likes to mock and embarass me and shit. And guys are to not even be mentioned. If I do, I'm dead. I mean, what do they want me to do? Become a les?

If that means I can go on dates without them being there then FINE. I'LL MAKE THAT SACRIFICE. I'LL GIVE UP GUYS IF THAT'S WHAT THEY WANT ME TO DO!

I want tattoos and more piercings, I want to be able to swear without being threatened to be sent to boot camp. I want to laugh with friends and know that they're not laughing at ME. I want to be able to fuck a guy in the future knowing that my dad's not going to be standing right outside the room. I want to LIVE WHILE I'M ALIVE.

Anyway, if I can't move out after I'm 18 I'm sueing them.

...I feel a little better letting that all out. Sorry if it disturbed you.
June 20th, 2010 at 01:44am