My suckish day

So Toy Story 3 has been out and I'm sad because I haven't got the chance to see it :( Toy Story is one of the greatest movies when us teenagers were kids.. Well.. At least for me haha.

Well anyway, it was super hot today and my boyfriend was going to invite me to go swimming at his friend / little brother's house. Turned out I couldn't go with him because I was spending the day with my family and I was at a restaurant with them. And then when we were leaving my little cousin offered me to go over to her house and swim there because she has a pool as well. Turned out later that day I didn't go due to bipolar weather and mother nature decided to rain on my parade. Then I remembered that I couldn't go swimming anyway due to... reasons that I'm sure girls know what I'm talking about. And to top that all off I had a massive headache and sore throat all day. Sigh.

Anyway, I'm watching 'Definitely, Maybe' . I remember watching this movie with my brother. Haha.

Well, how was your day? (:
June 20th, 2010 at 05:38am