Hell Yeah! [Obsession & Questions]

I am now obsessed with Eminem again. I watched 8 Mile twice in two days. And this is my new favorite song and video.

I had my last final as a freshman. I hope. I might fail, but I'm most likely going to summer school. My friend thought we got to pick to write an essay or DBQ and we were supposed to do both! She is so screwed. I told her to call the guidance office and she did. They told her once she handed it in there's nothing they can do which is bullshit.

My mom took me out to lunch at the Chinese buffet. There was a family there that I never saw before and the girl kept staring at me. She was pretty hot.

Random-est Questions:

1.) Have you ever liked your friends' older or younger brother?
Yes I have. Only older brothers though. I liked... 3 total and I still like one of them. He is also my brothers friend.

2.) Have you ever failed a class? Gone to summer school?
Not yet, but this summer I will be either going to summer school or I'll be in 9th grade again in September.

3.) You don't have to answer this one: Are you straight?

4.) Has a state trooper helicopter ever hoovered across the fields from your house looking for something?
Yes. I think someone is growing pot. I live in the middle of no where with few neighbors.

5.) Do you like Eminems music? Do you think he's hot?
June 21st, 2010 at 10:07pm