Stories, Grades and Whoring

Ever gone back to read something you wrote and you surprise yourself? Well, that’s what I’m doing now. Well, considering school is over tomorrow, I decided that I’m going to try my hand at finishing my NaNoWriMo novel and starting a new one. Well, I’m reading my NaNoWriMo novel and I have mixed feelings about it. Some of it is good, to the point that I don’t even remember reading it. Some of it is just plain pitiful. However, the plot is ok, a little out there, but it’s ok. I may continue it. I also want to write a novel for JulNoWriMo, I have a couple of ideas swirling around in my head. Now it is just a matter of getting it on paper.

Well usually I am away in the summer during my birthday, but this year I’m going to be around. I’ve never been on Mibba during my birthday so it will be exciting I guess. For the first time, I actually want something for my birthday. See, I’m that annoying person that never wants anything and people get frustrated because they have no idea what to get me. Well this year, I want an iPod Touch. I’ve never had an iPod before and while I may not get to experience the clicky wheel (which in my opinion is a hassle, I’ve tried it on friends’ iPods), I do want an iPod. I’ve done a lot of research on the iPod Touch and I really think that it will be the one for me. I like to get a bang for my buck and even though an iPod Touch is a bit pricey, it can do a lot of things. It can go on the internet, be used as a PDA, play games and of course listen to music. I think I would really use it. But here is the thing….

See, I have super strict parents. Don’t worry; this won’t turn into a “I hate my parents” rant. No, I love my parents, but I do admit that they are very strict. They care a lot about grades and well…let’s just say I didn’t do so well in math. It was not because I was lazy but rather it was difficult for me. I did not really understand the material and my math teacher was not patient woman. To her, I was making this up. But really, I did not understand the material. I went to her at lunch and I tried my hardest. Try explaining that to my parents. They think I am lazy and never do anything. If it were up to them, I would be studying 24/7 with no social life. My mother always compares me to my father’s cousin who was always studying and didn’t go out. “She got perfect grades,” my mother would always brag. Yeah, what happened to her? Sure she became a psychologist but it wasn’t long until SHE needed a psychologist. Even today, she’s a bit awkward because she didn’t properly socialize. Yet my mother is ALWAYS comparing me to her. My mother is also always complaining about how if she had the time to study when she was younger, she would have been an awesome student. Yes, but I’m not her. It’s aggravating sometimes with her.

So that ruined my chances of getting anything for my birthday I guess. Luckily I am not taking math next year in pursue of more humanities classes.

In other news, I’m looking for a job, but it’s not that easy. Every place wants work experience, but how do you get work experience when every place requires work experience. Makes no sense!

So about writing…have any good one-shots to share? I like crime stories and dark stories in general. I mean school ends tomorrow so I’m going to need something to do. So if you have any one-shots and I mean ONE-SHOTS…unless it only has less then seven chapters. I’ll comment and I leave long comments =)

So now some questions because everyone loves those:

1) Are you doing anything for the summer? If yes, what?
2) Do you have a job?
3) Are you doing JulNoWriMo or did you do NaNoWriMo?
4) Do you have an iPod? What type?
5) Any new story ideas?
6) Do you have strict parents when it comes to grades?
7) Are you a math and science person or more of a humanities?
June 21st, 2010 at 11:28pm