Injuries and Burns

So, because I'm a friggin ginger, I get sunburned EXTREMELY easily.

I went to a family reunion on Saturday, and I put sunscreen on, but I still got burned. My face and shoulders. I did have a lot of fun though, especially on the big, blow-up slip 'n' slide. I can still feel my fun on the slip 'n' slide.

Whenever I would try to get out of the pool part, I would fall. Well, they had it on the driveway, so when I fell, it was falling straight on concrete. For a few hours, I thought I'd broken my my tail bone or something. Now, I'm thinking it's bruised. Bad. I can barely sit down.

The sunburn on my face, is pretty much gone, but my shoulders.... *shudder* I can barely lift them without yelping and yanking them back down. Plus, at Bible School, today (I'm volunteering), everyone was touching, slapping, pulling, and scratching my shoulders. I do mean everyone!

People always tell me "Oh, your skin has that beautiful porcelain doll color." "Do you know how much money people pay to try and get your hair color?" "I wish I was a ginger."

Well, here's the truth: being a ginger is overrated.

Porcelain doll color? Yeah, you have it, underneath all the redness from the sun and from how transparent your skin is. Seriously, when I finish exercising, my legs, arms, and face are so red and warm, you'd think it was all sunburn or blushing. It's not. It's blood.

Hair color? Yeah, it's pretty cool. Unless you're always hearing guys you like talk about how they'd rather a brunette or a blonde. Always talking about that. That sure makes us gingers feel AWESOME!

In short, we're still as over-looked as everyone else feels. Even if there are some episodes of TV shows that obsess over "gingers" and "daywalkers". In fact, in some ways, gingers are over-looked more than blondes or brunettes or black haired people. Nothing different, except that I've never heard someone say that other colored hair people don't have souls. I have been told that I don't have a soul because I'm a ginger. That's stupid. I have a soul. Just a very complex, sometimes evil, leprechaun, devious soul.
June 22nd, 2010 at 03:00am