
Yeah I know I haven't done a journal in a while, for those of you who actually read these things, but I guess I'll explain what's up.

So I broke up with my first boyfriend in March of this year. We had been going out for 8 months and I took it pretty hard.
Went to Nashville for a show choir trip and kicked ass!
Helped 3 of my friends through break ups.
Got offered inappropriate things by a senior, that I HAD liked.
One of my best friends started going out with said senior and we started fighting.
I got over it and my friend and I are friends again.
FINALLY FINISHED HOPE WILL FALL TONIGHT...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Started 2 more stories. (One being Scream to the Silence)
Went out with a 21 year old....
Broke up with him.
Currently single and liking another one of my best friend's ex.

That's just THIS year since March, so I've had a pretty rough year so far. Hopefully it will start getting better for my junior year.

Anyway here is my plan for stories. I have a ton of motivation for another A7X story, so I will probably be updating that more than my Angel story, unless people start talking and letting me that they want that updated and pronto, cause I can make the motivation if others help me out.

Scream to the Silence has been altered and should be a really good story line. It should only be about 20 chapters and then the sequel will be Forgive Me, For I Have Syned where I am going to pull a total mind f*ck on you guys =] So I hope people enjoy reading it and give me lots of feed back. I will warn you it might get graphic at points and I'll put warnings up, so you know. In case that bothers any one.

So that's about it, just wanted to let you guys know what was going on and say feel free to tell me about what you think!
June 22nd, 2010 at 11:51pm