Did that get your attention? Good. Mission accomplished.

But anyway, I'm totally serious about killing him. FYI--Alex isn't a real person. He's a character in this story. It's called "Highway to Hell". I swear, this isn't just a journal to whore my story and get more readers or whatever. I seriously need help. Besides, only three chapters are up (out of like ten) and I assure you, it's far from my best work. :P But I still need help.

I wanted to keep it somewhat open-ended for any possibilities of a sequel, but now I'm thinking I'll be able to write a sequel even if Alex dies. But at the same time, I don't know if I could do that to poor Shel. And I also don't know if I have the heart in me to kill him. xD

Anyway. Should I kill Alex? Why?

(Shortest journal entry yet. Word.)
June 23rd, 2010 at 06:12am