Things I like to do when I'm bored beyond belief: Movies

Watch Movies

Movies, no matter what genre, are a time killer. God knows I love to waste time, and what a better way than moving pictures?

When I'm in that "I want to think." mood, I usually watch movies like Donnie Darko, Fight Club and Watchmen. Heck, we'll throw The Butterfly Effect in there too. I love to watch these particular movies over and over again, because I catch something the 42nd time that I didn't the other 41 times.

Then there's the good old feel good movies. The movies that are your favorites that you can watch over and over and over and over and still laugh and cry the way you did the first time you ever layed your eyes on it. For me that would be Stand By Me. "Not if I see you first." *tear*

How about the "I want to laugh!" movies? Pineapple Express comes to mind. It's so stupid, it's funny. I love it. I quote the movie and I still laugh when Red gets his head shoved through a wall.

For me, quotable movies make great movies. Among a lot of movies, I can think of Shawshank Redemption right off the bat. I love to watch that movie and quote every line that is meaning full to me (there's a lot of them). "Get busy living, or get busy dying."

Not everone likes to cry. Some people don't because they're just so tough! (My brother? Baha.) But I like to watch movies that make me cry. Call me crazy. Wait...don't. It's rude! :) Anyway, Titanic and The Notebook always make me cry. At the end of the movie, I hope no one is sitting there next to me as I bawl, it's awkward to watch, especially when I bring out the tissues! Lordy.

Last but certainly NOT least: Superhero movies. I love them so much, they get a category of their own!
The Dark Knight, Iron man 1 & 2, Spiderman 1, 2 and 3, The Incredible Hulk and Watchmen are my favorites. I love the action, the chaos, the cocky-ness (Tony Stark) and the pure awesomeness that makes up a comic-based movie. Can't get enough!

And so I want to know what you like about movies? Your favorites? Just elaborate! I want to know :D

Thanks for sticking with this! If you read it all, I'm impressed (don't be fooled, that won't get you anywhere)!
Thank you, and goodnight.
See you in another life,
June 23rd, 2010 at 10:53am