Money Can't Buy Love Nor Happiness

It just can't ,
I'm beginning my first entry with this topic 'Money', knowing a lot of people in this world need it for many things in their life, most importantly living. But I'm talking about a particular group of people who have it all, who are not thankful nor grateful of what they have, and still can be greedy enough to want some more, never realizing what is more important, Love and Happiness, see.. not all rich people are happy and not all poor are miserable, its simply a matter of conviction and satisfaction of one self, no matter who they are or what they become.

I know myself, and I'm not the kind of person who cares about money that much, for I WILL leave money for love or to become happy, I do not consider money as an oxygen, cause its not!, I always live my life for NOW, I don't know what the future holds for me, but I do know that God is by my side every step of the way in this journey called Life, I believe in destiny and karma, each person will have a share of happiness in life, cause the sun always sets and rise for another day to come, tomorrow...

Comments?*let me know*
June 23rd, 2010 at 09:25pm