Questioning God

I don't mean to be offensive in this entry; these are simply thoughts.

God. That one word can spark thousands of different beings. From Buddha to the common Christian God; it's endless. Sometimes I wonder if God truly hears every prayer, every plead from his followers. How can he? I understand that God is, well, God, but he is still one being. There are limits to everything. Personally, I do not have a belief. I believe more in Fate than anything else. If something was meant to happen, then it was meant to happen. One person can't alter the course of the future, or change what's happened in the past. Sure, prayers give people the sense that someone is listening, but you are the only one that can do something. God's work can only go so far. He can't chart your path for you or make your decisions. Your Fate is up to you. To Believers, this probably sounds vile, but I can't apologize for what my mind conjures up.

What is really interesting is what educators choose to place in textbooks. In my Junior American History class, there was a section on Jesus. An entire section. Now why would the educational board choose Jesus among all other faiths? Popularity. It rules our world, sadly. I can just picture the Director of the Board asking:
"Who would like the Hindu Gods in this Edition?"

Three hands timidly raise.


This time, only one.

"How about the Savior, Jesus?"

All but four hands shoot up, and after the meeting, the four individuals are criticized for wanting someone other than Jesus to fill the pages.

Also Junior year, I took a class called World Religions. It was an amazing class. There are so many different varieties of beliefs, rituals and deities out there. And what a surprise! Since my teacher was of the Catholic decent, we spent over a month of Christianity and the different branches, when we spent a mere two weeks on the other religions. Coincidence? Hardly.

Again, I did not mean to offend anyone. If anyone has any type of comment, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for listening to the rant.
June 23rd, 2010 at 10:51pm