June 24, 2010

Jessica's Journal

Okay, this isn't really worthwhile, it's basically just the events that have happened over today and yesterday, but oh well. I like writing, and no one said anyone actually had to read it. Besides, if it's worthwhile enough for me to write about, especially considering the fact that it's my life and I think my life is very important, well, it's not worthless. So that's how I'm justifying this. Thank you. (Please pardon the sarcasm; I'm a teenager - it's practically a disease everyone has mastered by the time they're seven, especially if they have an older brother as I do.)

Well, today I haven't honestly done all that much, but as the day is still young and I will likely be up until the crack of dawn, and a lot can happen in thirteen hours. Though hopefully, I'll be able to sleep before then. I have sleeping issues. I'm might as well be an insomniac. ;)

I went to a friend's house with some other members who attend my church, and us girls had a spa day. We painted our nails, did facials, ate WAY too many snacks (well, at least I did), listened to music (so it wasn't relaxing - who cares? Video Killed the Radio Star is an awesome song), and just had a fun time. I really enjoyed it. It was fun.

I watched a movie last night (shocker). I watch way too many movies. I don't really watch the television shows unless they're Victorious, C.S.I. (not Miami or New York, only the one set in Las Vegas), The Mentalist, and I watch Survivor and American Idol sometimes when they're in season, though honestly I could do without. They really aren't that interesting all the time, or they're just kind of....... eh. Sure. Whatever. And yes, those are literally the thoughts that run through my mind occasionally when I flip them on.

But other than those few shows, the only reason I have television is the Starz channel. I used to have HBO, and they still have really good movies, but only on some channels. It's sort of the same on Starz, but as long as I have really good movie channels, I don't honestly care all that much. I usually only watch television late at night (not late-late, that I save for my laptop) though when my mom drags me into the living room because she's lonely and worries about me "hibernating in my room". Please. I'm not a bear. But oh well. She's my mom and I love her.

Other than that, I've just basically been spending time answering my email, writing on my books, chatting on facebook and goodreads, and working on my story for a contest. That's basically it. Well, there is some other stuff, but that's stuff I chat about on the phone, not online right where God and everybody can see it. Um, no thanks.

But that's basically it for now. I haven't kept a journal in a really long time (though I do have a blog that I rant on when I'm at school just for the fun of it, and no one but me knows it's me writing, as I would die if it got out, considering the fact that I don't care if strangers read it; they can judge me all they like, I don't care. But my friends might think I need to see a shrink, and I'm not a fan of psychobabble, alright?) or at least, I have one, but have hardly written in it in this past year. I've been pretty okay.

Anyway, I'm talking too much, so I'm going to shut up now and leave. La-ti-da, goodbye!

yours until I'm another's,

June 25th, 2010 at 12:24am