Along time ago

Along time ago, when I lived with my mother and two younger siblings in an apartment (I was about four at the time), I wrote on the wall of the bathroom. I had just learned how to hold crayons and pencils. I drew a simple smiley face. I was proud of my work, but I didn't say anything about it. I knew if I did I'd be in alot of trouble.
So I left it alone, about an hour or two later, my mother come up to me and took me to the bathroom. She pointed to the poorly drawn smiley face and said, " Who did this". I knew I'd get in trouble, so I blamed it on my brother. She didn't really believe me and asked me to prove it. She gave me a piece of paper and a pencil and made me draw another smiley, to compare the two. I drew the best smile drawing it alittle different.
She bought it and my brother got in trouble. I just now remembered it for some reason. I told a friend of mine about it and she said I was a meany, because she's the youngest of all her siblings. So she knows how it is. She told me that if she'd try to make something up the other children would create a more believable lie. I felt kind of bad for her. Since I'm the oldest I've always been the one who never got it trouble.
Thanks for reading this.
June 25th, 2010 at 07:01am