
Hi guys, this is my first entry and i have absolutely no idea what I am doing. My name is Louise i am currently 16 and I live in Australia.

If there is one thing I have come to learn in these recent months, it is that you never truly know who has got your back. Take one of my friends for instance. A few weeks ago I told her about some stuff and I asked her not to tell anyone because it was personal... Two days later I found out that she had told all of my other friends. I told her something in confidence and she shoved it in my face.

Anyway. What I am trying to get at is, that although you may think you can trust someone remember that they aren't always as nice as they seem, that being said, a friend or family member you are unsure of revealing a secret to, may just be the person you can tell without word getting out.

I probably made no sense just now and most likely you wasted part of your life reading this, still thanks for reading :)
June 25th, 2010 at 08:31am