Ezra Koenig, I love you. [Music festival. Epic flags. Stuff]

Vampire Weekend!!

I watched the highlights of their set from The Other Stage today at Glastonbury earlier and they were pretty darn schweeet; I wanted to nom Ezra, he's the new man in my life. I was actually sat on the sofa and when they started to play A-Punk I threw my hands in the air and cheered like a tit.

Also big up the dude with the best flag ever at Glastonbury! On the back of the flag it read something like: Do I look like the sort of person who cares if my flag spoils your view? Totally awesome flagage right there. When I was at last years festival I saw a Spongebob flag; he totally sat through Karen O and Enter Shikari :D

Also, and I may mention this a lot, but Florence Whelch <3 I just adore Florence + The Machine. Seriously. Seriously seriously.

So errrrrrrrm, stuff? I'm really tired right now; come Friday I'm completely and utterly pooped; as much as I love my job I never realise how draining it is till I get to the weekend and want to sleep all the time. Not this weekend however because the television viewing is highly important this weekend. You know why? YOU SHOULD KNOW WHY!!!

1) Glastonbury, duuuuh.
2) Finale of Doctor Who duuuuh - on which note RORY!!! :D DOCTOR :(
3) England v. Germany, duuuuh - I shall need plenty of beer for this one, especially if it goes to bloody penalties. England and penalties are not a favourable mix; we're known for being crap at penalties.

Something that falls under stuff is the epic dream I had involving Darth Vadar, my old school bus, the nursery I work at, one of the Na'vi from Avatar and the lead character in one of my stories. It's all good, my imagination knows no limits which at 21 I don't know whether is good or bad :D

Anyway, I'm yawning like mad and my eyes are drooping so I'm going now. Maybe to look at Ezra Koenig more, maybe to fall asleep at my laptop as I often do at weekends or maybe to be sensible and go to bed now. Who knows?


June 26th, 2010 at 12:51am