They're after the children... and then the elders... HIDE YOUR GRAMMIES!!! AAAAAH!!! (...Sorry about that.)

Explaining the title:
Today my friend posted this thing on Facebook about how he turned on the news and the first three stories he saw were about either children dying or being attacked or injured. Wonderful, isn't it? So I commented on it claiming that "they" had come after the children, followed by "Be afraid. Be veeeeeeery afraid. ...Actually, you probably don't have to worry. They'll go after the elders next. Easy targets."

So, ladies and gentlemans, unless the senior citizens that you hold dear to your hearts are members of the SUNSOE (Secret Underground Ninja Society Of Elders), please, warn the local retirement homes and allow your grammies and grampies to take cover in your basement. They won't think to look there. >_>

That being said, I'm feeling quite slutty tonight and I would like for you to whore me your stories.

...Or maybe just a comment swap to do.

Please comment on my latest story, a one-shot (yes, rare for me) called "Speck in the Sky". It's a true story and I know it's not my best work, so I'd love any concrit you could give. And the layout I'm kinda iffy about too, so any tips on making that better would be lovely.

I'll read just about anything of yours, so leave me a comment or two or three or five or maybe just one after all with whichever story you want me to read.

Thanks, lovies. :D
June 27th, 2010 at 07:32am