Yes? Okay.

Yeah. First journal. W00T. Should I be happy? Yes? Okay.

I think it's time for a li'l' about your truly. Because I can't be bothered to put it in my About. Know what I mean? Yes? Okay.

First off, I love psycology, accents and grammer. I also have tons of curiosity. Seriously. o.O

I live in the U.S., but would love to visit (maybe even live in) England. I can't be too sure about the live in part, though; I've never been there.

I like guys, and am as straight as a striaght line. Dark hair is attractive, even better with pale skin. <3 I usually can't be bothered with un-intelligent people, though.

Get it? Yes? Okay.

I love to write, draw and surf YouTube. I love anime and video games (mostly RGPs like Final Fantasy or Pokemon), so that makes me a bit of a nerd.

I am also a straight A student-- which makes me more of a nerd. But people who want to call me a nerd for it can shove off, because it means I will get into a great college (most likely).

Anyway, those are the facts. Got any questions? No? Good. ;)
June 27th, 2010 at 06:23pm