
I've been thinking a lot lately about all the things that I won't have to deal with now that I'm done high school. For the most part, they are extremely pessimistic and cynical. But, it is me we are talking about here, so no real surprises there.

I'm not going to miss nearly dying every day on the bus. Bus driver = absolutely insane. I'm not going to miss the carrying-on of the grade nines at 8h00 in the morning. (Really, it doesn't matter how old you are - I don't want to hear your entire conversation or your hysterical cackling when I haven't had my tea yet and I'm hardly awake!)

I'm not going to miss all the skanky pictures of random girls that show up in my newsfeed with their red party cups. I'm not going to miss feeling left out for not wanting to turn myself into that kind of girl.

I'm not going to miss feeling like an idiot in my English class for not understanding where the fuck they're finding their analyses. Nor am I going to miss being told that I am a pretentious science snob whenever I'm asked a question.

Oh, and that's another thing! I'm not going to miss being told that what I listen to is "crap" and not "good enough" by people I scarcely even talk to. What gives you the right to tell me what I can and cannot listen to? And really, what the fuck do you care?

I'm not going to miss walking down the halls and having to separate a couple macking from my locker. Or the girl with the lisp - yes, I know that's terrible. It's not her fault she has a speech impediment, I understand that, but she's 17. Somebody should have taken her to a speech pathologist by now. Personally, I think she's accentuating it for attention. And the yelling in my ear doesn't help.

Not gonna miss the atherosclerosis of the hallways in the morning, with the awful grade tens clumping into massive groups on either side of the hall - although, it is rather fun to bash into them all at once, or to give them shit.

Yeah, I know, I'm a bitch. But it gets them out of my way a lot easier than saying "excuse me," ( I swear to god people are deaf to politeness)

I'm not going to miss the drama that comes along with immature females in close proximity. God knows I've had enough of that for a life time.

Like I said, there's a lot of shit I won't miss. Still scares the crap outta me, this university business. But I'll get over it, I guess.
June 27th, 2010 at 10:39pm