Random .

Today is the worst day ever. My mom is making a big deal over something so small and overeacting, like she always does. I'm a smart kid mom, I know what I'm doing. I may be stupid at times but come on, don't I deserve a little trust??

Ugh. She's ruining my life.

Oh my God, I am soo bored. There is nothing to do in the middle of Nowhere, Georgia. There's especially nothing to do since my mother won't let me out of this house.

I think I'm grounded.. Well maybe not, but she's limiting me on what to do. I didn't have much to do to begin with anyway. =/

It looks like it's going to rain outside. I hope it does. I want it those clouds to pour rain and thunder their asses off.

Sigh. Soo tired.

How was your day? Do you hate being told what to do like I do?
June 28th, 2010 at 09:20pm