Love = Evol (The real double edged sword)

Love is something that I'm sure everyone has a good understanding to and have felt at least some type of in there life time. It isn't something you can buy or trade but rather something that you feel. It comes in different forms as in like family love, love for another person outside your family or for a pet dog or something. As the saying goes "love conquers all" it basically says that love is a very powerful force one that can over power any other feelings. Love is what i call the ultimate double edged sword because it can be the greatest feeling in the world, one that can make you the happiest person alive but one that can make you the most depressed and saddest being ever to walk the planet. Trust me Ive been there and it is not pretty. And thats when Evol comes in. Evol is the exact opposite of love. Notice how Evol is love just spelled backwards. This isn't a real word and i just came with it a while back. The definition of the word goes as follows.....Evol - The act of hurting another while sharing the feeling of love with that person. This includes thinking about another while with this person, cheating, using them for your own personal needs and then leaving them. There are other exceptions like falling out of love with someone (because it can happen) but which i go against and count as an act of
Evol or when it comes to your pets and family and other stuff. Think about it, love isn't just colorful rainbows and lollipops. No, its also about broken hearts and crushed roses. Yeah, the crushed roses and tears falling? Thats Evol. Once this Evol feeling sets in its like you get sucked down to the abyss of darkness and never ever wanna be in love again. In some way or somehow we've all felt Evol before and we've also committed it. For thous who haven't felt this unbearable fate because for some reason you live in a world where everyone loves you and your for certain that they wont hurt you please stay on that side. Because Evol isn't a place for you, as a matter of fact it isn't a place for anyone.
June 28th, 2010 at 10:27pm