
So, last night I spet the night at my freind's house, right?
So, around eleven o'clock, her mom needed to go to Wal*Mart, so we went with her.
We ran around, and I found that the [ h o t t e s t ] guys are at Wal*Mart at this time.
So, I grab some magazine with Aiden on the cover, and "casually" walk around in my pajama pants and read the maghazine while I'm walking.
I look pretty damn stupid.

Me and my freind, whoI will name Macaroni, went to the CD's and looked at random crap, then her brother came and found us to get something to eat at the McDonalds inside Wal*Mart.
I ate my double Cheeseburger in a minute and thirty-three seconds.
Lady like, arent I?
[ n o t r e a l l y ]

I burped alot, and most of them were really loud.
People looked at me like I was physcotic.
Did I care?
Not really.

But, it was terribly fun and stuff.
I always look forward to going to Wal*Mart with freinds.
Especially at eleven o'clock, in my pajama pants.
February 17th, 2007 at 05:34pm