
So i work at a sonic right? I'm a carhop. I don't skate but my boss believes that every carhop that works there should be on skates...

So he just hired about twenty new carhops.. all skate.

My supervisor keeps hounding me to practice skating so I can get more hours and tips, since it seems i'm hardly working at all anymore...

but here's the deal...

I CAN'T SKATE! I don't like it. >< Its just.. so unnatural.. I hate it...

Ugh.. so I tried to skate again yesterday.. i fell, busted my knee open again.. I think I'm about to give up.. -sighs- Well alteast I still have my writing.

I just put up a new chapter. Check it out. Spellbound.
June 29th, 2010 at 11:17pm