Going Crazy, BRB!

I am losing my ever loving mind!!! There's a lot of stress in my household right now and a ton more angst in myself. My break up went horribly awry, I made a lot of mistakes in it that didn't have to happen and I guess it's a grave I dug myself, and now I'm faced with the task of digging myself right back out. But to top it all off, the one thing that would get my mind off of it, I can't even do! That's right people. The dreaded of all phenomena. It's writer's block! And it's totally kicking my butt.
For years I have released stress by writing. Today at about 3, I sat down at the computer to type up another chapter to my story and post it for my friend but once I had my fingers poised over the keys, ready to unload, I froze. I had not a single creative thought in my head about this story. I couldn't figure out what to write next! I drew a total blank. Actually it was more than a blank, it was nonexistence, like a black hole!
So I have terrible writer's block on my story. I'm so stuck and I can't be stuck! I set a goal for myself that I'd have the draft of this story done by the end of the summer and June's already over pretty much! And that's a rather unrealistic goal anyway, I start work sometime soon. But man I'm so angry! The only thing I can get my frustration out with is denied me!

Questions because I can:
1. Do you guys have any cures for writer's block?
2. Ever been through a nasty break up like I am right now?
3. If so have you any advice?^^
4. How's everyone's day?
5. Whore me a story?
June 30th, 2010 at 02:41am