Just fighting to get through the night

Tonight was just horrible. No, all of today was horrible.
From the moment I got up, to now I've been upset.
I really have no reason to be upset I just am. I've been pretty much home alone and bored all day, so that gave me time to think about things. Things that I shouldn't think about. Things that get me really upset. I don't really want to say on here in case people read it and they know. Message me if you want to talk. But anyway.
I mostly got really upset not long ago.
It was my brother's graduation, so I was alone again because I didn't go. I mean, what guy would want their sister coming to their grad? Definitely not my brother.
So I was home alone all night and I didn't talk to a single person. It was pretty lonely and boring.
Then my mom calls and sees if I want to go to dinner with everyone. I said sure, mostly because I thought that would help me get over my boredom.
Little did I know. That was a dumb idea.
The whole time he was talking about how his average was so low. It was 93%. He said his horrible mark in English (83%) brought it down so so much.
Yeah, that made me feel good when I almost failed Science. So, I'm the dumb little sister.
And they were talking about how now he can drive. Then mom turned to me and said 'dont' worry hun, you'll be useful sometime'. I knew she was joking, but that hurt.
And when I came home, I read something that just made me cry.
And now.
I have to go to bed.
Thanks for letting me rant, Mibba.

**title cred goes to Dancing With Tears In My Eyes - Ke$Ha**
June 30th, 2010 at 05:11am