Knowledge brings ignorance

Okay, here's my take and philosophy on that quote i just thought of..

What it means is that once knowledge is obtained, the boundaries of ignorance are lifted. But once those boundaries are lifted, complacency creates the new ignorance space.

Perfect example.

Our society in itself, has been a perfect demonstration of this philosophy.
Post-war America during the 1950's (1950-1953) was a place of bustling economy on the rebound from a depression and war funded country. Business and trade was booming, babies popping out left and right, new technology, new frame of mind for the government, and a new breed of civilians, people born from a nation of seasoned war veteran fathers and depression era hard working class mothers.

This marriage of people created a household that was strict and stern and upheld high standards of responsibility and dignity. The household also reflected the country and it's government, just like it has always done. It was a time of the cold war, with paranoia of communism, the red scare, the korean war, a bi-product of the warring idealisms of democracy and communist regime. It was a time of isolationism and ignorance.

I say ignorance because although America was in it's hey-day of productivity and wealth, it was also a place of bland close mindedness. The Library of Congress has recorded the 1950's as the most colorless and artistically unproductive era of our time. Hardly and movies, art, or new music was put out during that time.

It was ignorance in that interacial dating was shunned, teen pregnancy was disown worthy, sleeping in the same bed was shameful, and the only things that mattered were school, work, the houses general upkeep, and the children carrying on the family name and honor.

But once ignorance was lifted, the communist scare ending,mindsets and opinions began to change. The ignorance of thinking that anything outside of the "right" opinion was ultimately wrong, was dissipating. People started having babies at young ages, or before being married, and although it was still frowned upon, the parents stopped disowning their children. More music tastes were introduced, the boundaries of "Good" and "Bad" music was changed. The true birth of having an opinion came. Before, the constitution and bill of rights only applied if you followed only the governments "American way". Now, you can still be an American and have an open honest opinion. You can now have the right to not have to say the pledge of allegance, but you should still stand to show respect to those who died for that flag.

Now that the world became all full of knowledge, that trying new things and doing new things wasn't that bad and the world wouldn't end, society changed, and became more lax with the open mindedness. Soon, this knowledge began to eat away at society. Without those stricter and sterner standards from the days of yore, less and less people were going to college, or even graduating high school. Unemployment went way up, as well as the crime rate, poverty, abortion, drug, STD, and under age pregnancy.

Now i'm not saying any of those things makes anyone a bad person. I'm not judging anyone. I am just proving my point, that after getting the knowledge that i spoke of, it has thrown us into a careless, selfish, narcissistic, egocentric, sociopath like world. We have once again...

Become ignorant, ignorant that these things that once were taboo in our society, have made us numb and dumb. But in doing so, we have achieved many leaps and bounds as a people, as human beings. Now any man of any color and drink at whatever water fountain they want. Multi-racial families are abound, different cultures are prospering.

So now, the next question is...since we can obviously see a cycle here...when will the ignorance lift again, and knowledge prevails?

That depends on all of us, you , me, them, etc. It's in what we do now, that will reflect what our future and our childrens future will be. Will we leave them a dismal place, or a place to truly reach their potential as grown adults? Why don't we owe it to ourselves to have a better happier life?

Think about it.
July 1st, 2010 at 01:44am