Today is my dead sister's Birthday...

Happy birthday big sis,te quiero mucho Debbie<3(:

Before I get to the sappy pleasedon'tfeelsorryforme stuff, if you're wondering why I have no stories or poems up, well, I'm working on it!

Aaaaand I rethought my opinion on writing fan-fiction. I'm sorry. But I'm gonna end up writing fan-fiction hahaha they're just too addicting. I just have to think those through some more. Right now I'm just spending time writing on my computer and notebook,before I post stuff.
The last thing I wanna do is post something, then get lazy about it and not post for another two weeks. I want to at least write a few chapters,edit them,think them through,and then start posting from there.

In the meantime.. my mibba will be lonely :(
But I'm sure I'll be writing tons when I leave for Alaska on Saturday to visit my daddy.

That's right.

My father= a dark Mexican who happens to look like he's from India. is in Alaska.
And let me say: (Please excuse my language)

He is the darkest motherfucker in that town.
Just sayin'. :)

Anyways,right now I'm gonna write up some original fiction in my notebook,and then post some chapters,and once I feel comfortable enough, I'll post fan-fiction. Aha

I'm not new at writing, but I haven't written on mibba,quizilla,and some fan-fiction sites in a long long time. So if you have any ideas, or tips,feel free to share them (:


And I'm just going to explain about my sister. I wrote a one-shot about the day she died, but I don't have the heart to post it today. Too sad. :(
She was 18 when she died. She died from blood clots and an ectopic pregnancy. For those who don't know: Ectopic means out of place, so the that means that the fertilized egg wasn't where it should have been.
That was going to be her second child, she wasn't a "teen mom" but she did have her first child, my nephew and love of my life Michael a month before her 18Th. She had graduated from high-school early, she was smart.. when it came to school. She was the tough chola that girls didn't mess with and guys tried to get with. My sister was the complete opposite of me. She didn't give a damn what people said about her. Because she knew who she was. She didn't sleep around, but she was a flirt. She wasn't a bully, but when you crossed her path your face would get slammed.

What's confusing, is that her boyfriend was the only person she couldn't stand up to. He abused her. He would burn her with a hot iron if she did something wrong, and she was sick- her blood clots were from some sickness she had.

He didn't want to take her to the hospital or to the doctor, and he wouldn't buy her medicine. So she wasn't getting the help she needed to live.

HOWEVER! My sister had a childhood sweet-heart. His name is Oscar. My sister had the guts to tell my nephew's dad that she wanted out of their relationship.He wouldn't move out of her house though. To him,my sister was his property. This bastard had the nerve to stay in his house,and bring his other girlfriends in it while my sister was taking care of my nephew. He had women behind my sister's back and he didn't even bother to hide it.
Oscar actually lives a few streets from me. He was the guy she grew up with. They dated in 6Th grade,up to junior year because my sister switched schools to live with her dad (we're half sisters,same mom but different dads.)

When she died, the ectopic pregnancy was terminated. That child was Oscar's. Everyone knows it.
Miguel, my nephew's dad, knew it too. But he didn't care,he was too busy with his 5 other baby's mothers. And no I'm not exaggerating the number because I hate him, that's actually how many he has.
For those who wonder about my sister's son Michael, his father, Miguel, abandoned him. Don't feel sorry for Michael though, he has us. And he has his new dad, Oscar (:
My mom adopted him, and while she went through the adoption process, the family decided to do a DNA test on Mikey to see if maybe there was a possibility that Oscar was his biological father? They had the same birthmark on their water line of their eye, but Mikey also has his dad's birthmark on his shoulder blade :/

Even though Mikey and Oscar turned out negative or whatever, Oscar didn't care. That was his son. He raised Mikey with my sister when Miguel was out partying. Oscar loved my sister so much, you have no idea. He tried to rescue her from Miguel. He was going to buy a nice apartment for her and Mikey to live in, and he was going to marry her. Sadly, she died before he could even buy a ring.

My sister died when Mikey was about 7 months old. Mikey is 6 years old now, and he has no idea who Miguel is. For the past 3 years Miguel has decided to fight for custody of Mikey. Why? I have no idea. That man has seven other kids to handle.
Wanna know something funny? When the judge brought Mikey in the room, Miguel said "Mikey,I'm your dad! Don't you wanna come live with me?"
Mikey looked at him, then looked at the judge and said:
"That's not my dad? My dad is my papa, Oscar! I don't even know that guy?"


The look on Miguel's face,priceless.
The look he gave to Oscar, hysterical.

Anyways,that's my story.Hahah in the end, I'm happy with how home life is right now.
Don't worry about Mikey, he has his dad. Oscar and his family took Mikey in as one of their own, my mom adopted him so he's living the spoiled life here :)
To my sister, I love you, Happy 24Th Birthday Debbie <3
July 1st, 2010 at 02:18am