'Cause I feel like such an insomniac...

I've decided I may actually use this Journal feature as an actual journal. Well not a proper one, there are some things I'd like to keep between me and my friends or just me only, but you get the gist, I'll use it like a blog.

I started doing that on my Tumblr for a while, like trying to use it as an actual blog, but then I realised my life was pretty boring and no one actually wants to read about it. However, I'd still like a place to talk about it every now and again.

Also, it'll be good to use this for all my random thoughts that I never really write down or that I say out loud and get funny looks off of my friends for, but that actually make a lot of sense in my head. And it'll be especially good for the thoughts that won't leave my head when I'm trying to sleep. Insomnia's a bitch. A massive one.

I don't actually know who's going to read this, but whatever, it's just like an introductory post or whatever. I actually enjoy writing, but I'm currently stuck on everything I'm doing, so I have nothing better to do than to sit here writing this. It's at times like this, when I actually want to write something, but have temporary writers block on everything I'm writing, that I end up starting something new that I'll never finish. What can I say, I fail at life? For someone who wants to be a novelist one day, I'm not very good, I've only really finished 3 part stories. However, I then went on to write a sequel, so it was like a four part story.

Alright, bye.
July 1st, 2010 at 03:30am