what a weekend....Oo

Unfortunately my weekend didn't really start until Saturday night. I missed the grad social on Friday cuz well...i had to work the next morning. Saturday was my bessstest friends 16th bday so i held a suprise bday party fer her at my place XD. That was not too bad...i was drunk by midnight lolz.

By that time my friend had to leave :( n I was totally not ready to call it a night...

SO...I called up my friend to drive to the city n drink wit me haha. Omg whata mistake to meet him at my house..my mom wouldnt leave him alone lol..but then again she is like uuuber over protective -.-

We left to the city n on the way he totally stole sum gas from like his uncle! i was like..um okayy whatever. We picked up my bestie's bro n he bought beer.........;o

That was awkwark with 2 guys hitting on me in the front seat...me sitting bitch Oo. Then the cops showed up...in the end it was hilarious n we didn't get charged for ANYTHING! :):)

I had promised my mom i would be home by 2...by 4 o'clock i was fucked up beyond going home..and by 7 there was no way i was gonna survive work at 9. XD My bestie's bro kicked out my friend then i crashed hxc like omgg what a random night! lol

Since then my mom has been calling constantly n i told her im not coming home...im kinda on a bender lolz...it happens. The parties have been good and the randomness has been betterXD. Im prob fired from my job but...im 60 miles from home n i get my paycheck Friday..what more can i ask for :p

All good things come to an end...including benders..i think i might go home like next week :) i'll post more later about this craaaazzzy fight at the party i was at ;o

July 1st, 2010 at 10:40am