Abortion Is ***

I know I've been mostly writing about random topics today but I feel like I should write about this. In my mind I believe abortion is murder and I know a lot of people may not agree with me. I understand abortion is a choice for a single mother or a young girl who isn't ready to raise a child but it isn't supposed to be the first choice. I think there are other choices like adoption so the child can have a good family and the parents can do what you never could've done. I know it's hard to give up on a child and giving it away but you don't want your child to go through the rough times.

My mother says if you don't want children then you shouldn't open your legs and have sex. I really believe she is correct and I agree with her so much. Abortion is killing little innocent babies that could've been born and could've been happy. If you're young and you wanted a child but felt as if you couldn't take care of the child you could make time to get parenting classes or just get some help by your family and friends but don't always depend on them. If your a girl who got raped and pregnant of course it isn't your fault and you don't want to have your child and reveal the truth to your child as your child is old enough but there will be times when you have to speak up and say something.

That's all I have to say about abortion. I hope I've made some people change their minds or even think about things like this. Thank you for reading!

1. Do you agree with me?
2. Why or why not?
3. What do you think about abortion?
4. Would you ever have abortion if you were a girl?
5. Is abortion supposed to be the first choice?
6. What do you think about adoption?
7. Did I change your mind about what I said?
8. Do you know anyone who had an abortion?
9. Should young girls even have sex?
10. Would you be able to take care of a child on your own?
July 2nd, 2010 at 03:04am