Roar. Comment Swappage and A Dream. :3

Let's start with the dream. Now, this isn't a dream like, "I dream of worldpeas peace." No, it's a dream that I had last night.

I've been wanting to re-read the Harry Potter books (or watch the movies) for a couple days, right? Well, last night, I had a dream about Quiddich. Yeah. And in this dream, it was Slytherin against Gryfindor. Since Slytherin's shots kept getting deflected by Ron, Malfoy got pissed and made a new-and-improved dragon to ride. (By the way, sometime during this dream, the players switched from riding broomsticks to riding dragons. I have no idea why.) To counter this beastly dragon, Harry turned the one beater on our team into a dog. The dog looked like one of those huge, over-stuffed stuffed animals with it's arms sticking out straight to the sides. Malfoy then turned THEIR one beater into a stuffed cat, and throughout the rest of the game, these to were going at it. Note that this game didn't have the ball flying around trying to knock people off theirbroomsticks dragons. So they beaters could afford to be turned into animals. xD

That wasn't nearly the end of the dream (or the beginning, for that matter), but I've noticed how lengthy this journal has become.

Before I continue on the Comment Swappage piece, I would like to say that, since I havent read the books in about a year or two, I am positive that I've spelled some things wrong. I would love it if some one could tell what I have mis-spelled and how to correct it. Thank you. ;)

Now to the next point.

In my last journal, someone told me about comment swappage. So I would love it if someone would swap comments with me. It would also be great for some suggestions in those comments, if possible. Here's the link for my story, Lilies and Roses. Post the link for your story in a comment, please. Thanks. :)
July 2nd, 2010 at 03:41pm