Welcome to the life of Me

Hello there everyone! I am pretty new to Mibba.com. But I love it so far. I am currently co writing a story called Forever & Always. It's a fan fiction about Ryan Sheckler, and I am very excited about it so far. It's my first story so I am hoping that people actually like it and that I will be able to do more of them.

Other than writing on here I am also into listening to music and hanging out with friends. I am currently putting together a blog about my journey on losing weight. I needed a way to motivate myself more and I figured by forcing myself to update a blog everyday would do the trick. That way if anyone ever reads it, it may actually inspire them as well!

I will be back on here to write another journal entry soon. I just thought I would through some thoughts and things about me out there.

July 3rd, 2010 at 08:40am