Blah blah blah. (Complaining and questions and comment swapping.)

It's been a horrible day thus far.

First off, I'm supposed to go to the gym today to work out, but I don't think I'm going to get to. There's a possibility I'll get to go, if my mother feels up to taking me later, but by then the gym will be really packed. I like to go in the mornings, because there are less people there. Plus, missing workouts makes me feel moody and gross, and like to get rid of that feeling early on in the day.

Secondly, my internet is all fcked up. I have to restart it almost every three or four minutes. It's so annoying. Within the time it's taken me to write this journal, I've had to restart it seven times.

Thirdly, Judd and Gates keep calling me and insisting they come over and hang out. I just don't feel like it. I don't feel like seeing Judd, because he's annoying, and honestly it's just one of those days where I want to keep to myself. All I want is to go to the gym, come back home, and then keep to myself the rest of the day. I am a hermit, and I like it that way.

Lastly, I'm all PMS-y so I have a headache and I keep crying over nothing and it just sucks so much.


Anyhow. Here's what you really care about: questions and whoring.
1. What's been horrible about your day today?
2. Does anyone else like to remain hermit-like and stay at home instead of hang out?
3. What are your fourth of July plans?
4. Comment swap? I'd prefer you check out Lavish Lies, but if you've already commented you can comment Where The Road Ends instead.
July 3rd, 2010 at 10:28pm