Dedicated To CATTY.

I am so freakin' tired. I would go back to sleep, but it's 10:44 am, and I can't fall asleep now, so I've decided to log onto mibba and give a slight update.
Well, it's holidays now. People are going to gasp and shudder when I say this... I don't like holidays very much. I'd prefer to be in school ignoring what my teacher is talking about and being annoying with my friends. I haven't got anything to do, and I even cleaned off my bloody desk so that takes away a whole lot of stuff to do /: Seeing as Catty is going away, what am I going to do all holidays? Gah.
Speaking of Catty, I just went onto her profile to have a little bit of a snoop around, and just as I was about to click on one of her journal entries I saw a story by the name of 'REDUCED TO TEARS'. Now, I would have been like, 'Oh yay! Cat had written a story! Lets go read it!' Except for the fact that I had already read it. In fact, I WROTE it. So, I picked up my phone ready to let loose, when I accidentally clicked on the story title. Just before the summary Catty had written this big long thing on how she hadn't written it, I had, but she thought it deserved to be posted. I went from >:( straight to :D.
And THAT is why I felt the need to dedicate this to her. Coz even when I feel like screaming at her, I should always click the link that made me angry, and I'll find that there was nothing to be angry at.
Oh no. My laptop battery is about five minutes away from running out. I suppose I COULD get up and charge it... But I am waaaay too lazy for that. SO.

Until next time;
lots of lust
July 4th, 2010 at 02:56am