Simply ridiculous. And a little sad.

My sister's used-to-be best friend, Laura* basically just said, "I'm changing myself for my NEW best friend, Sam*."

*I'm using different names, of course.

Now. Laura's had a lot of, what do you call it, IDENTITY problems in the past, but my sister's always helped her through them. But now that Laura's found Sam, she's all but ditched my sister. Now, my sister and I, we're like twins, even though we have almost two years between us, so I was immeatiately put-off by this. My sister was sad; I was, too. So I (basically) confronted Laura about this, in which she said (basically):

"I need this, I'm not changing ME, I'm only changing my style/clothes etc." You know how it goes.

Do you know what I realized, though? Sam has already changed her. My sister is proof of that.

So I let Laura go, encouraging her, "If you think this is right, do what you feel etc. etc."

Now. To the REAL point. I look at this whole situatioin, and it's sad. Not for my sister; no. It's sad for her, of course, but that's not what I meant. Laura is the sad one here. I may be one-sided, but my sister helped Laura through a TON more situations than Sam has, or probably ever will. Sam is wild, fun, gossip-y, excited about everything (sort of), but my sister is, or was rather, the stable post that Laura needed. I wonder if Sam has that. I don't know her very well (she's three years ahead of me in school), but I wonder...

I wonder if Laura will come running back. Or if she's lost enough dignity to come running back.
July 4th, 2010 at 07:32am