If I Go Down We Go Down Together and Vise Versa

First I want to recommend this song to everyone

It's really good.

Second, I got a new hair cut. My friends mom did it and it looks really good. I didn't have a hair cut in years because I had a bad experience with my last one. Same with bangs. I haven't had bangs since I was like 10 because the lady cut it way too short. But I'm happy with what she did. I know where I'm going from now on. And it was only 10 bucks.

Lastly, I did something I never thought I'd do.

So yesterday was my brothers graduation party and my mom let me sneak Smirnoff and this other drink while it was still light out and I drank quite a few of those and she knew when all the other adults left the party my brother and his friends were going to be drinking because one of them is 21 and bought a bunch of beer and this really good drink called Sparks. I was already kind of drunk when they started drinking and then when my others brother girlfriend went inside they were talking about weed and my brother told them how I smoked with these guys and my brothers friend said that I smoked with him to and so my brothers friend said "What? You smoked with them before smoking with your own brother? Family comes first!" And then they were telling me to smoke with my brother and them (it was when there was only like 8 people. A lot more came later) and I did. I never thought I would smoke pot with my brother! It was awkward at first but then I was really chill. We smoked from like 10 til almost 5 in the morning. But we had to keep putting it away when my parents came out. We did it right in front of a bon fire and we never got caught.

Best day I ever had with my family.

Also my brothers friend who I used to like said bye to me before he left. The only other person he said bye to was my brother and everyone else was his friend to. I kind of still like him
July 4th, 2010 at 11:47pm