I'm allergic to water, my hives turn into bruises, and I burn at night. HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!

Allergic to water? Hell yeah, it's possible. I asked my dad when I was probably four or five years old if it was possible and he said no. I hope he knows that he's wrong now. ;] I went swimming today at a beach right by me and after a half an hour, I got really itchy. I got out and had so many hives, it was disgusting. One took up pretty much my whole thigh. I had a lot on my arms too. And guess what? They turned to bruises so now I look like I was beaten.

At first I thought I was just allergic to chlorine because the same thing happened when I was at my friend's pool. But then it was happening in the shower too. And now at the beach. I ran my hands under water for a bit and the same thing happened. Any kind of water makes me break out.
I got a sunburn! Odd thing is, I was swimming when the sun was going down. I just got back now. I was sitting inside eating the whole day (wow I sound fat) and then went swimming when it started getting dark out. My friend's skin is wicked sensitive so we stayed inside most of the day. And somehow, I managed to get burnt. I don't get it. My body's just weird.

It's still been an alright day, though.
Happy 4th of July!
July 5th, 2010 at 03:20am