Moving On Month

Well the month of July is the moving on month, why you may ask.
First off, if you've red my previous journals some one them are about a boy. Not just any boy the boy who stole my heart, ripped it to pieces, stuck needles in the pieces and left it there on the dirty ground to get some sort of disease....
Anyway it keeps telling you guys about how much I love him blah blah blah blah blah. You see I've finally decided to move on, it's not that I don't love him anymore (for some unknown reason I still do despite him being a complete asshole) but I've just decided to let him go...and if he comes back to me he can go fuck himself. (NOTE:I just checked and it seems that I have deleted the journals all about that guy so yeah.)

Second thing is I am moving out of my mom's place and moving into an apartment with my sister soon, this could all work out like I hope it will or it will all fall apart. I guess we'll see, I'll make sure to update on how living with just her and my niece goes.

Third; My step sister is coming to live with us for a bit, now she ain't that bright in fact she puts brunettes to shame but I've told my mom that I would be willing to help her get some sense in herself. I don't really know what she's like as in I don't know if she parties all the time and does drugs...but since she is somewhat family I'm willing to help.

Fourth; I'm completely done high school! Now I have no idea what the fuck I'm going to do with my life....hopefully I figure it out.

Have a gooder guys!
July 5th, 2010 at 03:35am