Too Scared to Make a Left Turn

Hey! So, a couple days ago, I was riding my bike around my neighborhood and I went by this one guy cutting grass. I smiled because he looked really familiar. As I passed by the house, I saw this guy in the carport, and realized, IT WAS MY CRUSH FROM EIGHTH GRADE! I hadn't seen him in over a year. I almost freaked out and ran into a light pole. But I gained control and kept going, thinking how lucky I was that he lives in my neighborhood, but I didn't do anything about it.

Then, two days later, I was riding my bike again and I subconsciously was riding around where I saw him. Well, it was subconscious until I was deciding whether to turn on the next street or not and I SAW HIM AGAIN! He was walking along, definitely looking like a high school boy in the summer. The baggy shorts, a random t-shirt, flip-flops, a torn-up baseball cap, and he was looking down at his phone while he was walking. I was quickly trying to deliberate going down there and talking to him, but I passed up the street too fast and I didn't want to turn around, because there were cars behind me. So I tried to quickly make the loop and catch up, but unfortunately, cars were blocking me, making me go too slow, and I didn't see him when I came back around...

I know, pathetic, right? But, the next day, I sent him a message on facebook asking if he lived in my neighborhood. I felt almost kinda creepy because I ended saying that I saw him walking around.... He answered saying that he did live in my neighborhood and asked where I saw him. So, naturally, I told him. He never answered that one....

I feel suckishly like a loser...
July 5th, 2010 at 06:12am