I have the greatest idea for contests thanks to a friend. I'll check here periodically to see who wants to join in on the contest, but when you post your poem or story, send me a message! I'll check it out and choose from all the people who sumbit in a writing!




You can choose between these different ones because I know everyone has a different specialty. But sometimes I will do contests for only a certain type of art, like: poetry, story writing, and such. Most of the time you have a choice though.

RULES: I will give a picture or theme, that's your "inspiration". The picture will not have a title and the theme DOESNT HAVE TO BE your title. You may make up whatever title pleases you, but every contest will have a name, such as "Rainbow Contest" or Lovely Girl Poetry Contest". These, "Rainbow" and "Lovely Girl", titles do not have to be your poem's / story's title. Also, stories must be short not a novel. If you didn't guess this already.


Contest name: Balloon Girl Contest

Your picture is:

Your theme is:

?POETRY WRITERS?: You are going to write a poem about the picture or you can write a poem that is based on the theme.
?STORY WRITERS?: You are going to write a short story about the picture or write a short story all around the theme.

Good luck to all!
Balloon Girl Contest
July 5th, 2010 at 06:54am