Anti Homosexuals and the World of Tomorrow

People against homosexuals need to really improve their argument. Because right now, it's bull. I looked up the arguments on a conservative website and these are some I find funny.
A) It's not natural. Well actually, stupid people, it is! A nice pretty list of animals that exhibit homosexual behavior:
1. Domestic dog
2. Domestic cat
3. African elephant
4. Brown bear
5. Cheetah
6. Dolphin
7. Penguin
There are a lot more but I really don't feel like typing them all up. So if you are interested (or think I'm lying) google it or something. I'm sure other people have posted lists.
B) God hates you. Religion is interpretive. Plus how would that make sense! God is okay with homosexual elephants but not humans! Not to mention not everyone is Christan! I, for one am not. My gods and goddesses never said anything against it. And finally, Genesis 19. Genesis 19 is a story about angels in Sodom who are taken in by Lot. The men of Sodom demand that the disguised angels join in homosexual actions and Lot says hell no. The angels blind the men, escape with Lot and his house hold and God burns Sodom to the ground. However the act may not have been what pissed God off. Maybe it was the fact that the men tried to RAPE them that did. Rape is certainly not acceptable no matter what you believe.
C) Cognitive conditioning (I like this one because it makes people sound smart). Cognitive conditioning says that homosexuals are not born homosexual but unconsciously grow into it as alcoholics do. Basically, they do not choose it but are not forced into it either. This is nice except that there are no behaviors to back this up. For example, alcoholism starts with the repeated action of drinking alcohol. Without the action there is no consequence. So what is the action that leads to homosexuality?
D) Not all common behaviors are acceptable. But some are. Going to church is a common behavior, isn't it?
El Fin.
July 5th, 2010 at 06:22pm