5 July, 2010

An Introduction into the Art of Journal Writing:

I have countless three subject notebooks full of journals. Why this is is quite simple. They are Working Journals. What is a Working Journal (WJ)? A Working Journal is a special place that is set aside to beat out stray ideas and thoughts that one has for Characters, Settings, Dialogues, and Events. It is also, where one keeps their Ideas for starting a story and musings about writing.

With that said, I shall now move on to an example WJ.

5 July, 2010

Character: She sat at the davenport crafting, in her curt little cursive, a letter of invitation. She looked up from her labor. Catching her glance in the vanity mirror, she could not help but notice the slight thickening of her neck; the faint imprint of the pearls that had once been too large; the dainty etchings of laugh lines and crows feet. In spite of her advancing age, she was none the less as stunning as she was say twenty year ago, when she had first come the Paris form Germany; a wide eyed girl with unabashed hopes and a myriad of dreams to keep her warm.

Setting:Darkness. A light clicks on illuminating the varied detritus on the davenport. A half empty bottle of black ink, balls of parchment some bareing scarcely a marking. There was but one clean area where she had been writing the letter.

Dialogue: “You can go, but, before you do grab one of those yellow sheets over there,” Simon said scratching his head with the cap of his pen.

“You're going to Hollywood, baby,” shouted Randy.
July 5th, 2010 at 11:26pm