Is there a God?

Lately, due to recent events in my life, I’ve been heavily questioning my faith and contemplating the existence of any kind of God. I’ve never really defined myself as a Christian, although that’s what I’ve loosely seen myself as. I’ve never really thought hard about it, until now. I get up every morning and end up looking at my reflection in the mirror and seeing a man that’s utterly lost. I hear about all the horrible things going on in the world, and lose more and more faith in my kind every day.
Mankind is a violent, selfish, greedy, genocidal race that commits the most terrible evils on a daily basis. I find myself asking, since God created man in his own image, why are we this way? I guess the most important question that comes to though is simply, what is God?
It seems like a pretty easy question, but when you think about it, what exactly does he do? What’s his purpose? Most devout Christians would answer, saying that he provides them with a sense of purpose and comfort. I fail to understand that answer, because I don’t understand how a person can find comfort in believing he is being constantly watched and judged by an all powerful being. I have a sense of purpose as well, of course. When I smell a flower, it smells nice to me. Does the flower smell nicer to you because you believe in God?
Maybe we assume that everything in nature that has some kind of benefit to us was MADE for us. The thing is, we evolved in harmony with our environment, and adapting to our environment. If God’s environment was so perfect and wonderful, why do we have to create all our modern technology to improve it? Why did we invent the phone, the TV, or the car? Do we feel like we’re better than God, so that we may amend his environment at will? No. We just believe that maybe things weren’t all that great before this stuff was around that SCIENCE gave us. Of course, you could say that God gave us the brains that allow for us to create that science, which is false because we know that evolution gave us the brains that allowed for us to create that science. You could credit God for evolution, but that wouldn’t make any sense whatsoever. The only thing we might be able to credit God for would be some kind of biogenesis, which would be impossible because we don’t know how the hell a biogenesis came about. It seems like every time we figure something new out, God retreats to the new shadow created by our new discovery to fill in a new gap, and that’s no kind of God. He serves no purpose, but as a bookmarker until we have the real answers.
Following the question of what is God, I ask, why is there evil in the world? Here’s a quote from Epicurus: “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both willing and able? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
This single and simple quote, known as the Riddle of Epicurus, sums up my thoughts perfectly. Why exactly is there evil in the world if God is so good and powerful? Why is there a Devil, and why doesn’t God destroy him? If God wants us to be good, why did he give us the ability to deviate from our good selves and commit evils? Some Christians say that he does this, because he wants life to be like a test for us. However, this doesn’t make sense either. For a test to work at all, it must be completely fair to all who take it, and, as you’ve surely heard before, life isn’t fair.
I guess I’m done rambling for now.
July 6th, 2010 at 05:35am