idiot friends

i have such idiots as friends

so we help my desperate bitch of a friend get a boyfriend [4 months ago]

because she was so fucking desperate we got her the only guy she could get [she is sooo not pretty]

and neither is her.. but anyways

she was being such an idiot about it and then we got all annoyed at her new bf because he was cheating on her with some other girl...

she didn't believe us, but we kept telling her to dump him and that we would find her a new guy

she didn't want to because she is 'in love' with him

and then we keep telling her and showing her that hes cheating on her.. but she wouldn't believe us..

so she dumped him

my idiot friend and they guy fucking blamed it all on us....

so then i got them back together...

but ohhh wait there is sooo much more:

i find out today that she and the guy PRETENDED to break up

just to piss me off and so she would have her stupid fucking satisfaction that she can be with the fucking idiot

leme tell you SHES A SLUT!

look at what she wears:

-this reallllly tight/short/not to mention low cut shirt
-this hideous black mini skirt that doesn't fit her
-these hideious ankle boots that if she had any style would know that you don't wear that with mini skirts.

SHEs suchhhhhhhhh an idiot.. to think i was her friend

gah anyone else have idiot friends like that?
June 8th, 2007 at 06:58am