6 July, 2010

Rules of the Preternatural Realm"


1) Don't make humans into fellow vampires by simply biting them. Their blood mus be ingested by their dying victims.

2) The victim must share a night's rest with their maker in order to become a full vampire.

3) Vampires can have their images captured by mirrors and photographs, but not by video.

4) Vampires can venture out into daylight, but are extremely sensitive to light.

5) Vampires prefer blood from a living human body. Stored blood from a donor does not create the same satisfaction.

6) The only wooden stake that can kill a vampire is an elder wood stake. Any other wood will only be effective as long as it remains in the heart.

7) The only fire that will kill a vampire is a witches' flame (it's blue, so it is very hot.)

8) Vampires cannot change into wolves or bats, but they can change into an owl or jackal.

9) A vampire can become human again if that asorb the life force of a witches familiar.


1) A fully transformed werewolf resembles an actual wolf, with fur and a wolf's nose and mouth.

2) Werewolves have their transformations one night bi-monthly, during a full moon, but can also, change at will.

3) Werewolves remember everything that happens after they transform.

4) Werewolves often have strong sexual desire in the days prior to a transformation.

5) The transformation itself is a painful process in which several vital organs begin to shut down.

6) Werewolves cannot cross bodies of water in wolf form.

7) Silver will only cause a werewolf to revert to human form.

8) The only way to kill a werewolf is with silver tipped with Nightshade or Belladonna.


1) A ghost results when a person dies with unresolved issues in the living world.

2) When a ghost has resolved its issues, a white door will appear out of nowhere, allowing passage to the nether world.

3) If a ghost chooses to stay in the land of the living they can become a witches familiar until the witch no longer has need.

4)Ghosts can be seen by the living. A ghost's visibility may be linked to his or her subconscious desire to hide from or be seen by other humans. (All Preternatural beings can see each other.)

5) Ghosts can ingest food or drink.

6) Ghosts can "will" themselves to move instantaneously to other locations.

7) A ghost can become human again if they kill a witch and take their powers.
July 6th, 2010 at 08:47am