July Sixth - Hospital Visits

For the longest time, Jake had been ignoring me. I really like the kid, I still do, but when he never responded to my Myspace messages or the text messages our friend Autumn had sent to him, and we were starting to feel neglected. Jake had never ignored me or Autumn before, and I had no clue what was wrong. I eventually gave up trying to reach him, and thats when Autumn finally got a hold of him --- or rather, his mother.

Finally, at around two in the morning, Jake's mother answered the phone. It would turn out that Jake was grounded and snuck-out one night. The boy has a past with drugs and possibly even alcohol, but he tries to hide it from me to make me feel better --- safer? But then, he sneaks out of the house with a few friends and gets into a car with them. My guess would be that they may have been drinking, or someone else who was drunk crashed into them. Just thinking about what could have happened hurts. The car crashed, and Jake was hospitalized. And I didn't even know... I felt selfish, for thinking about me and how I felt when he never message me back... Jake had gotten into a car crash with his buddies, and could have been hurt worse then he was.

Now, he's safe at home. The doctors don't want him out and about, I can't see him, and I can't talk to him. I feel horrible, knowing that he's grounded and injured and lacking any details of what happened. I feel like I had been selfish for only thinking about myself. I wished I could have visited him, and I wish I could just ask what he was thinking. Sure, I like a bad boy --- but not one in a body-cast or rehab center...

I honestly don't know what to do,
But I feel better now that I'm done venting...

That being said,
updates will be slow for a while.
I'm sorry. ):
July 6th, 2010 at 12:16pm