Hip Piericings.. Hot, Cute, Ugly, Wierd. Whats Your Opinion??

So,,,, I was talking with my friend and we were talking about radom things and some how piericings came up. I told her about the "Marley" piericing i was thinking about and she said that a lovely little charm under my tounge would look like I had french kissed my dad's tackle box so i decided against it. We then discussed hip piericings and thought that they were cute and that we should get it done but when I told other people like my boyfriend about it he said it looked wierd and to not do it so im not sure,what do you guys in Mibba think about hip piericings? do you think they're cute? ugly? wierd? just tell me what you thinks in the comments section and help me decide

please and thank you(:
July 6th, 2010 at 09:21pm