Original Fiction Vs Fanfiction [Plus whoring and questions]

Okay, one thing I thought I'd make clear before I start- a)This is a vent. Meaning, it's my personal opinion and not directed at anyone in particular. b)I write both original and fan-fiction, and love both genres equally. So I'm not being biased.

It's just those cross-overs that really get me.

You know, those ones when the girl meets her favourite band, she falls in love with the lead singer, she gets pregnant/some other drama etc etc? And then they get married and live happily ever after? Yeah? Sound familiar to you?

That's what I thought.


Or at least, the majority are.

I don't read them for the pure reason the characters are so mary-sue, so....cliche, that it just annoys the hell out of me. To my mind, if you're going to publish a story here, at least make sure the characters have a PERSONALITY. It's a writing community for a reason. Not another MySpace.

That's another thing that annoys me. People going around asking for photo comments. Really, just how vain can you get? Like I said before, this site is for reading and writing. Can we at least try and keep up a consistent level of grammar and spelling? I know I make slip-ups occasionally, but I'm sure lots of you are just as annoyed as I am at seeing text talk. My brain literally hurts reading it Dx

Comments, my fellow writers, comments .Oh, how we all love comments on our work, the stories we spend so long on, pouring a bit of our selves into every one. And please don't misunderstand me here, the majority of them are very encouraging. I've been particularly lucky with my story, Headstrong, as all the comments have been fairly constructive, or failing that, at least telling me what they like about the story.

But the "love it, update plz" comments throw me. Or, even worse, if it's a fanfiction, comments on how hot or sexy that famous person is! I know this already! That's why I picked them! Please tell me something you like about it!! Dx

Or, at least, that's what I'd say if I had any of those types of comments on my stories.

Thanks for reading this pointless piece of writing (as far as I am aware, we are not allowed to swear in these journals, correct?)

I've stopped having a moan now, promise.

On the brightside, I have a song for you!! :D :D

CLICK! (who knows how to do video links? O.o)

Funnily enough, it's called "on the brightside" by NeverShoutNever. It's absolutely amazing and always cheers me up when I'm feeling down ^-^

And now I have some questions for you =]

1)Do you think that some of what I've said in this journal is harsh/uncalled for?
2)What are your pet peeves here on mibba?
3)Worst comment you've received?
4)Best comment received?
5) Do you consider yourself a good writer? (no need to be modest. If you're proud of it, might was well show it. Just don't brag too much. Nobody enjoys that).
6)What do you use for inspiration?
7)Anything you'd like to whore out to me?
And most importantly.....
8) How are you today?

My answers
(1-4 irrelevant really)
5) Yes, I do actually. I know people that are better than me at it, and people that are worse; I don't think I am "the best" at it,obviously., but writing is my passion. it made me so happy today when my english teacher said that I am "very talented" ^-^ (Allow me to be a little bit full of myself for a bit, please? :P)
6) Music is a great inspiration of mine. I use what I feel when I hear it though, instead of the lyrics. Although, if there is a hidden meaning in them, I will sometimes use that.
7) Please check out Headstrong for me =]


Thanks for reading! =] You beautiful people <3 xx

(I could add more to this but I won't xD)
July 6th, 2010 at 09:57pm