
Have you ever had that moment... that one moment when you're unsure of all the decisions you've made and plan to make? Have you ever regretted something so badly, that you would almost do anything to go back and reverse that decision?

I'm at a crossroads here.. I've had my life pretty much planned out since I was nine.

Get a PhD in Veterinary medicine
Own my own clinic
Maybe get married
Try to get a book published
Possibly have kids
Live comfortably happily ever after

But now I'm not sure.. Do I want to go to college? do I want to get married.. well most certainly on that point.. I definitely don't wanna be that crazy animal person that lives down the street... But I'm not sure I want to go to college anymore... I'm not sure I wanna write anymore... I'm not certain that I want to have kids but...

I still want to live comfortably happy ever after, but how is that possible if I don't go to college. I've lived on the road that comes with no college degree.. its horrible. My dad looses every job he gets due to injuries or just plain being too lazy to get up in teh morning to go to work..

Eventually my mom went back to school and got a nursing degree but that's not bringing in much money either.. I've lived in trailers, duplexes, apartments, hotels, rent houses, lived with family, lived with friends. I don't think we've ever had a place to ourselves

So I KNOW that I definitely don't want that for my kids, my husband should I get married, or my family. I don't want any kids I have to know that hardship...

But I'm just not sure if I want to go to college.... -sighs- i dunno.. I could keep typing this up.. btu I'd only result in repeating myself so I guess I'll cut it short and end it here so.. comment I guess.. let me know what you think, give me your advice...

PS- I updated my story Spellbound, check it out and comment it please, I will love you forever and return the favor.
July 6th, 2010 at 10:04pm