The First Thing You Gotta Know About Me is that I have a Procrastination Problem.

It's something that all my readers need to know: whether they be past, present, or future readers. The positive side is that I'm working on it, and it's a heck of a lot better than it used to be.

Secondly, I have had the worst case of writer's block this past year. After I finished "Shatter," it was like.... now what?

because I write my stories on a whim. That's the third thing. All of my stories just flow out of my head and (mostly) onto paper or into the computer spontaneously. And it really, REALLY sucks when my flow gets stopped up. which is what happened. but anyway, the point is that after I finished the first series, and got to the point where Charlotte got captured, I knew what I wanted to happen. I just didn't know how to get there.

Which sucked some pretty big and serious monkey balls.


hahaha. anyyyyyyyyways.

So I thought about it,
and thought some more,
and more,

and I was just... stuck.

and pretty soon, I couldn't write anything else but poems. For an author like me, that's a pretty low point. Not that there's anything wrong with poetry, I'm just more of a stories kind of girl.


So after a long and stressful school year plus writer's block which applied to not just one story, but all of them, I'm finally ready to figuratively pick up the pen and begin writing again.

Here goes.

(on a side note: Remember how I said I was a spontaneous person? yeahhh, well I'm not so good at keeping deadlines. Horrid fact, it'll come back to bite me in the butt later. But alas, my updates will be random and sparratic. Like myself. But don't expect anything less than the best from me, all right? I don't want more of quantity and less of quality, that's like shooting yourself in the foot! So if there's ever anything that I can fix that you're unhappy with, let me know via message or something, and I'll see if I can work it out. yayyyyyyyy. :] )
July 7th, 2010 at 05:42am