My Cat is in love with my doll o_O

Okay well i have this doll that has blonde hair and blue eyes and is all dressed in purple(which i believe is a Little Darling Doll) but anyways my male cat "Tigger" is obsessed with it.

He licks her curly hair and sleeps beside her and carrys her around the house, it's the funniest thing. I swear he's in love with it because everytime i try to put it away he seems to find it in my room and carries it away.

Lol well i thought that was pretty funny / weird so i figured i'd share that with you guys ;)

Something i found really odd though that happened today was i was randomly looking out my window today and i saw this old lady walking wearing short shorts o.O i am soo disturbed at the moment ... she was like 65-ish looking no joke. I mean i have nothing against elder people but i think thats way over the top. lmaoo.

Besides that though i managed to organize my closet today... yay! It was horribly messy before. For example: On the floor of my closet i had clothes every where and shopping bags everywhere and paper flying every where... it was bad.... really bad. >.< So its finally all nice and clean and color coated ^_^


1) Have pets? If so are they obsessed with anything?
2)How do you feel about elder people dressing like teenagers?
3)Would you say your closet messy or clean?

Well catch ya' on the flipside! :)
July 8th, 2010 at 12:21am